Kami Kaspersky Partner

Siap sedia memberikan pelayanan ekstra untuk kebutuhan keamanan perusahaan dan organisasi Anda menggunakan produk dari Kaspersky

Solusi yang Kami sediakan

Proteksi berskala melawan ancaman siber yang paling berbahaya yang dapat beradaptasi sesuai kebutuhan bisnis anda


kaspersky Small Office Security

Basic Security
Small Office Solution: 10 user
An easy-to-use and intuitive cybersecurity management solution that lets you to focus on running your business and worry less about your exposure to cyberthreats.

Features that automaticly scan and protect your File-, Web-, and Mail Threat Protection from harmfull virus, script, or backdoor trojan.

Features that automaticly scan and protect your File-, Web-, and Mail Threat Protection from harmfull Ransomware.

Built with the concept of reliable speed to maximize the work of protecting files, the web, and your mail.

Available to protect up to 10 users / 10 devices.

Harga mulai dari

Rp. 2.000.000,-


kaspersky Next EDR Foundations

Essential Security
Small-Medium Solution > 10 users
An easy-to-use and intuitive cybersecurity management solution that lets you to focus on running your business and worry less about your exposure to cyberthreats.

Features that automaticly scan and protect your File-, Web-, and Mail Threat Protection from harmfull virus, script, or backdoor trojan.

Features that automaticly scan and protect your File-, Web-, and Mail Threat Protection from harmfull Ransomware.

Built with the concept of reliable speed to maximize the work of protecting files, the web, and your mail.

A feature that is able to identify weaknesses or security gaps in your computer system and network.

Starting from 10 users/devices, this package can accommodate up to 49 users/devices.


Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum

Intermediet Essential Security
Medium Solution > 50 users
Level up your security, avoid business disruption, and fight evasive threats with our new agile and intelligent security solution

Features that automaticly scan and protect your File-, Web-, and Mail Threat Protection from harmfull virus, script, or backdoor trojan.

Features that automaticly scan and protect your File-, Web-, and Mail Threat Protection from harmfull Ransomware.

A feature that is able to identify weaknesses or security gaps in your computer system and network.

Built with the concept of reliable speed to maximize the work of protecting files, the web, and your mail.

Seamless integration with Microsoft can provide an additional layer to evasive any security threats.

Starting from 50 users/devices, this package can accommodate up to 999 users/devices.

Solusi lainnya

Apa pun layanan bisnis yang Anda gunakan, Kaspersky punya solusi untuk Anda


Kaspersky Security for internet gateway

Basic Security
Secure internet access for your employees


Kaspersky Security for Mail Server

Basic Security
Secure internet access for your employees


Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365

Basic Security
Secure internet access for your employees


Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security

Basic Security
Cloud-native protection that offers top-tier protection for hybrid businesses
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