Guided Hanging Bridges With Reptile And Frog Exhibit Combo
Today you can enjoy a leisurely hike through the rain forest crossing 8 hanging bridges with amazing views then meet the live snakes and amphibians that live there! Upon arrival you will meet your friendly professional bilingual guide who will accompany you along the almost 2 mile trail and make sure you do not miss seeing the treasures of the day.
You will be encouraged to go slow to take in the magical atmosphere of this tropical rain forest. The comfortable dirt trail is reinforced with latticed buried concrete to provide easy traction for walking and decrease the chance of getting muddy when it rains. There are also many nice benches. Because this is a cloud canopy there is almost always a light mist in the air. Light rain gear is highly recommended.
Your naturalist guide who daily traverses this local terrain will point out many items of interest easily overlooked by unguided visitors to the park. For instance, Costa Rica’s rain forests host the largest number of orchid species growing together in one place in the entire world. Covered by orchids, ferns, and a profusion of epiphytes, the forest trees are hosts to all kinds of wildlife.
Many unusual insects are camouflaged here for protection from predators. They carry designs reflecting the patterns of nature around them and are difficult to see, but your guide will be able to spot them and share facts about their importance to the eco system. The majority of the world’s frog populations are found in tropical forests as well.
Of course this area may be best known for its abundance of tropical exotic bird life. Following their distinct calls, your guide might lead you to sightings of such exotic species as the 3 Wattled Bell Bird, Toucans and Toucanettes, the Black Guan and once in awhile a glimpse of the illusive Resplendent Quetzal may be seen.
Occasionally it is possible to encounter Howler monkeys or White Face Capuchins in the forest. This private conservation park shares the same corridor as the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve located side by side high up on the continental divide. Ninety percent of the trail runs through virgin cloud forest. Every day is different and there are no guarantees of what you will be able to see, but you will see something in this enchanted woodland hike.
The 8 hanging bridges, constructed to the highest safety standards, are 5 feet wide and quite sturdy. Allowing passage through the tree tops as well as high above it, these reliable structures provide a unique opportunity to view the old growth forest and mountain landscapes from inspiring perspectives impossible to see from the ground. The bridges were environmentally constructed off-site then assembled in place protecting the sensitive eco system.
Looping back to the beginning of your hike, you’ll next be visiting the Reptile and Amphibian Exhibition. Your guide, an expert in this area of animalia, will maximize your experience by familiarizing you with the importance of these unique live specimens and their place in the cycle of life.
Showcased in this exhibit are some of the most beautiful as well as most dangerous serpents and frogs living in Central America. Featured are several colorful species of Poison Dart Frogs, the friendly looking Red Eyed Tree Frog, deadly Costa Rican serpents including the Terciopelo (also known as Fer-de-lance), the beautiful neon Green Basilisk lizard, and many others, including geckos and iguanas. Each live in individual, climate controlled 360 degree glass terrariums constructed to reproduce their natural habitat as much as possible. Walking around each habitat, your ability to observe these often nocturnal creatures is greatly enhanced. You will likely leave this exhibit with a greater appreciation of the interconnectedness of life in a tropical rain forest.
This half day leisurely hike and exhibit includes trained expert guides, entrance fees and round trip transportation from the Monteverde area.
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